Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Starving Artist & The Battle at Dirty Thirty, Ep.11

30 Reasons Why 30 Will Be OK

Reason #21:  So, your twenties are the ten years of your life that you're supposed to spend wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out what the hell you're doing.  I have only three days left of this Decade of Amble.  I may not know completely what I'm doing, but I'm super thankful for where I've ended up.

Reason #22:  I don't have a mustache.  (Yet...).

Reason #23:  Additionally, I have neither a receding hairline, deep set wrinkles, a prescription for bifocals, or dentures.  And I have a premonition that I might be at least 38 before I acquire any of these things.

Reason #24:  Know what I like?  Theatre.  Know what's exciting?  After thousands of years of hundreds of thousands of written plays, most of the best roles are 30 and over.


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