There are a couple months out of the year that are essentially dead in New York.
OK, let's be real here: there are no truly "dead" months in New York--even the most quiet and sleepy of times here are still 10millionX more lively and nuts and crazy and exciting than...everywhere. Odessa, MO. (No offense.) ...But really, everywhere.
Just the same, there's the gradual slumping of November and December and out-and-out lull of January/February that leaves one just kind of meandering around the city, braving the cold just to kind of go somewhere and be responsible for a bit before you hunker down and get cozy for the rest of the evening. There's not a ton of ambition-boostyness going on anywhere on anyone's behalf ever during New York-"Dead". Everyone's too busy hibernating. With hot chocolate. And bourbon. And NetFlix Watch-It-Instantly and the need to stay warm to bother with a need to do stuff.
(In retrospect, this was probably the primary contributing factor to my extended job search of the past couple of months...I get that now, in hindsight, of course. Like you do. ...I digress.)
My point is that the city-wide need to hibernate and the dead calm always seems to end very suddenly, and without warning.
And then, there is Chaos.
Complete. And utter. Chaos.
Prepare yourself. ...
So, Chaos happened about a week-and-a-half ago. And it has been running full-throttle ever since.
A recap:
*Second job happened (YAY!) and last year-job was asking for coverage at the same time. And primary job was still going strong. The result: My first nearly 74-hour work week in....just a very very long time.
*In the midst of said chaotic work week, I received an email on my lunch break from my (talent)manager with the subject Bored to Death Audition... which meant that I had 48 hours to prepare for my first audition at HBO as a recurring role on a hilarious show where I'd be playing a recovering alcoholic-daughter. ... Fine. ... EEEEEK! (More on that later.)
(Cross your fingers.)
*Two more days of running from work to an audition. Literally. In heels. Equity-card in tow.
*Coffee leaps out of my cup (not kidding), lands on my phone (not kidding), and frizzes it out.
(...Side bar: Let's also just talk for a moment about how entirely awful it feels to be even pseudo-inaccessible in New York. It's scary. Like panic-enducing I-Need-To-Drop-What-I'm-Doing-To-Head-Home-And-At-Least-Check-My-Email-So-I-Can-Connect-Somehow-scary. ...And I'm sure that undergrad-Me would've never ever ever thought I'd be the girl who needed phone/email-capabilities at all times, who needed to be in everyone's reach always. Why?! Who could really ever be that reliant on a phone? ...Me, goddammit. Me.)
*Friends who have been hibernating "need to see you ASAP".
*Other Friend in Kansas City isn't doing so well... What?!
*Other Friend asks Me to do a last-minute play reading....When?
*I'm asked to cover one extra shift... ...When?
*I'm missing a package in the mail...They're birth control pills.
*"The 1st is in a couple days, have you paid this?"
*"The 1st in a couple days, are you going to do this?"
*"Read this."
*"Research this."
*"Did you go to that audition Friday?" No. "Oh. Why?"
*"I just got my tax return, I need to go shopping. Come?" I need to do my taaaaaaaaaaxes.
And everything collides at once. It's fascinating.
Entirely frustrating (somewhat) when it feels like nothing has been happening for weeks on end...but fascinating. I have to wonder where it all comes from, the universal need for everything to jump up in your face at once and say "Oooh, pick me! Think about me! Give me your undying focus and attention NOW! YAY!"
Is it Spring? Has it sprung, is it springing--is that why?
Or is it just because. Just "because" the world decides to wake-up all at once and catch you off guard, knock the wind out of you and run you into the ground.
I wonder.
...Pretty fun, though, right?
Now, if I could have the work-week diminish to a more manageable 50 or (heaven forbid) 40 hours as opposed to the 74, that'd be a glorious day.
Regardless, let the Chaos run rampant.
...Just give me two quick seconds to catch my breath.
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