Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Starving Artist Poses a Legitimate (I Promise) Question:

In this society where people are always creating projects/finding funding/being generally proactive and doing awesome things for their own awesome personal gain (in a sundry of different regards), well, it's gotten me to thinking. ...

I don't have a play that I'm currently trying to produce.  (...Yet.)
Or a film (...Same.)
I'm not working in a school, I'm not creating some kind of organization, I'm not looking to fund an art installation in the middle of Inwood.  I'm not even looking for a way to get rich quickly.   Because I won't.


I am an artist, and a starving one, and may or may not continue to be a starving one throughout the duration of my days.  A peppy one, but just the same.  This is a strong likelihood.

So, bearing all of this in mind...

If I were to start a KickStarter-fund to help out with my student loans, how well do we think this would go over?

(Side-bar:  This would be specifically in an effort to not have to try to pay off these things until I'm 92 with money that doesn't exist.) 

"Consider it an investment," says my genius lawyer roommate.  "If you get famous, you can give all of your contributors autographs."

(Side-bar #2:  In addition to the autograph--so silly--I would also pay them back.  Every.  Penny.)
(This is upon a purely hypothetical premise...but I swear to GAHD I'd do it.)

I say Yes.

In the meantime...I'll send you cookies?  That I bake?  Good ones?  A lot of them? And Thank You-cards?


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