Monday, November 26, 2012

A Starving Artist & The Battle at Dirty Thirty, Ep.1

So, it's happening:  I'm turning 30.  And it's happening in 15 days.

Fuck.  Me.  Running.

I mean, HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!  I'm dreading it.  I'm dreading it so hard.

I know I've mentioned this, I'm sure of it, but seriously, I have always absolutely loved birthdays so much.  Been that girl that's counted down to her birthday obnoxiously for years, giving everyone 186/172/96/etc. days of pre-warning that Hey.  My birthday's happening.  Soon.  You need to fucking be aware of this so you can squeal and say things about it that wholllllllllle day.

I've said this, yeah?  ...I've said this.  AHHHHHHH, SENILITY!!!!!

So yeah, this year...yeah, I don't want it.  I hate it.  Regardless of the fact that I have thought each friend who has passed the 30-mark thus far to be badass, thinking that they've appeared that much more distinguished and put-together since exiting their 20s.  For some reason, I have convinced myself that 30 will be the death of me as opposed to something new and exciting or, at the very least, just another year.  And I've seriously tried to fight against it (purchasing anti-aging serum, dressing like a Fraggle for Halloween, still putting Nesquik in my coffee each morning even after all these years... ...).

...Goddamn losing battle, this was.

So, my goal over the next 15 days is to convince myself that I too will become badass, distinguished and put-together in my 30s.    I am, henceforth, seeking out to discover two new reasons every day why this new Era of Angela will be ok; appropriately, we'll have 30 reasons in total.

(Hoorayyyyyyyyy for positive affirmationy things, this feels soooooo Dr. Phil, it's fine.)

OK.  Here goes.

30 Reasons Why 30 Will Be OK

Reason #1:  Everybody's doing it.

Reason #2:  According to my dear friend Mark, "Now, someone can actually say 'Oooh, she's spunky for her age!'  Until now, it's just been like, 'Oh, she's just young and whatever.'  But NOW!  It's like, 'Oh!  Wow!  Look at her!  She's all alive, and spunky!  That 30 year-old's got some energy!'  Right?!"


This is gonna be hard. 

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